It’s a beautiful day here. The sun is shining, the stock market is up, vaccines are available, cargo ships are being unloaded, holiday music is on the radio, and we have happy birds in our backyard. We’ve survived.
In the midst of the holiday chaos, I am having a calm, quiet morning.
I’m pleased to wake up each morning not panicking about what might have happened overnight. Sure there are issues and concerns, but I feel like knowledgeable, level-headed people are meeting those issues head on. I don’t have to do all the worrying. I can let the professional worriers do it for me.
If we can get beyond bickering, we can get things done.
I know there is a lot of distress in this world. I understand that people and animals are suffering. I do what I can to help out. I also know that there is some kind of plan in place in which souls have opted to challenge themselves with difficult situations. Every soul seeks growth experiences. Each of us plays a role in this dynamic. We might be the one being challenged, we might be the one helping others, or we might be the one sitting on the sidelines. We make our choices, then allow “cause and effect” to work. Karma.
Remember, it’s not blame. It’s not punishment. It’s karma -- a balancing of energies; a reflection of how we approach situations. What we put out energetically, comes back to us, energetically.
I’ll tell you something: it feels good to have hope. I’m tired of gloom and doom. It’s worn thin. It’s time for something new. It's delightful to be hopeful.
My brain thinks it needs to explain to you why I have hope, but there’s no rational explanation for a feeling in my heart. Instead, let me fan this ember to enlarge it, so I can share it with my family, my community, my country, my world and, through this blog, with you. This is a season of hope. Let’s look forward to a delightful 2022, and let’s make that happen.
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