I have also spoken to psychics and asked them to bring messages from my Guides and angels regarding what I should do. “Should I write another book?” “Should I take a trip?” Years ago, I asked: “Should I get another job?” Some psychics shared mild insights. Other psychics would ask questions like, “Do you want another job?”
I don’t remember many answers regarding things I SHOULD do.
What I have heard time and time again is that those on The Other Side support our efforts. WE have to decide what to do. Once we have made a decision, the energy can come in and support us. Guides and angels will not tell us what to do. We determine our fate, then they aid our journey.
I have also heard from psychics that is important to think twice about where information comes from. If they tap into a recently-departed loved one, that person might give us advice, but it might be a suggestion from their Earthly perspective. It might be the same kind of advice they gave us when they were alive. Better insights come from Guides, angels, and loved ones who have fully transitioned on The Other Side.
A couple of months ago, I was talking with Richard Schickel at the Psychic Fair. Richard is a reader, but we weren’t having a reading. We were just chatting about our lives. Suddenly, he suggested that I get out of the house more. Perhaps I could go the Jewish Community Center (JCC) and play Mah Jongg? I could meet women like myself. It would be good for me.
I am neither a card player nor a game player. Games have never interested me. And, the JCC is a long way from where I live. I would never think to go there to play games.
Afterwards, I realized that he must have unknowingly channeled a message from my mother. “Go the JCC and play Mah Jongg,” is exactly what she would have told me. She was a big Mah Jongg player. Her goal was to have me do the kinds of things she did; to follow in her footsteps. I was not interested in games when she was alive, and I’m still not interested.
Years ago, Aitreyia commented:
“I always say, ‘I don’t want dead Uncle Fred guiding me.’ Dead aunts and uncles are great, but if they haven’t cleaned themselves up after crossing over, they are going to give you what they think you need to hear. If you’ve had a bad day, they’ll say, ‘Let’s have a drink.’ On the other hand, an angel might suggest you look at the day, see what you learned from it, and think about what you might do differently the next time. You get totally different guidance from dead relatives than you might get from angels or Master Spirit Guides. I talk with all of them. Some grandmas can be very opinionated. I’ll relay the messages, but sometimes the Guides have to pull these people back because they are so opinionated and what they are bringing forth is not useful to the client.”
I also had a reading with a pet psychic, Kat Riegel, regarding my dog, Maggie. At the time, Maggie was alive. Kat talked to Maggie and relayed fascinating messages. However, I am not certain that Maggie understood her situation. The messages were about what Maggie thought was going on, but they didn't fully reflect her level of illness. Maggie just didn't know.
The point is to be careful about accepting advice. When we tune into our Guides, angels, and Higher Self, we get recommendations and support which can further our lives. When we tune into others, their opinions might not be pertinent. It’s what they want to say, not what we need to hear.
If you are having a psychic reading and get strong advice about an issue, think about that recommendation. Make sure it is from a higher source. Remember that your Guides will make suggestions, not demands.
We choose our direction. It’s not easy to be responsible for our lives, yet we need to do it. Once we make our choices, those on The Other Side will be happy to support us.
Does this make sense to you?
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