Our non-physical family consists of our Spirit Guide(s) who has been with us since birth, plus all the Guides who step up to help with special projects.
We also have a Guardian Angel, along with other angels for particular needs.
We each have a Master Teacher who is with us for several hundred lifetimes. This teacher assists us in ascending to our next level, no matter how many lifetimes it takes.
In addition, we each have a supportive community of friends, relatives, and pets on The Other Side. People in Spirit can help us, love us, and send energy from The Other Side. They might hang out with us all the time, or they might be busy and show up only when summoned. They cheer for us and can sometimes warn of upcoming danger.
When I spoke with Reta in New Mexico, she told me about a larger contingent of souls which support her. After her infant daughter passed away, she recounted:
“I used to live on the other side of the mountain. I was at work and she was at the babysitter and I got a call saying I had to go to the hospital. I went to that hospital and did all this stuff. They pronounced her. My mom and her boyfriend picked me up and drove me back home.
“As we were driving, on the back country road, I see all these almost-misted figures, walking the opposite direction that we are driving. I got to my house and my house was the quietest it had ever been the entire time I lived there. There was nothing. I was hearing nothing. My clairaudience was gone. Shut down. I had nothing for almost three months.
“Where I lived was a highly-active, spiritual energy crossroads in the mountains. I was always picking up on stuff. All I could figure was that all the ones I had been talking to were leaving, to give me peace for a bit.”
I heard something similar from Randy when he mentioned:
“Looking out on the world, it looked like a mirage. Everything was moving. The entire visual field, almost like heat waves coming off the road. That is how it looked to me. I could see all of the entities which surrounded me. I was impressed at how crowded it really was. Even driving down the road, these entities were still there, moving. When we drive down the road, we think we are moving, but it showed me how much the illusion really is. They were just there. You know how when you are sitting, the world goes by you in motion? You are stationary and the world moves? This is how it appeared like to me. I saw all of my teachers and Guides. It was crowded. It was layered with beings.”
Susan Sampson explained that our supportive group, along with deceased friends and relatives, is always there. It’s a matter of focus. When a client comes to her, she knows that these souls are in the room. If she focuses her attention on them, she can see and hear them. However, if her attention is focused on her client, the others fade into the background.
Imagine that. A roomful of supportive souls curious about our actions and activities on Earth. From the spirit side, they are here for us. From our side, we are here for them. We physically manifest the things which they cannot create because they are not in bodies. They prompt our handiwork, then we combine the materials to produce the things they dream up. We call it "inspiration."
Kathy McMillan noted, “You are never alone. Even if you don’t physically see someone with you, you are never alone. You have expanded your awareness to all the beautiful spirits who are cheering you on – who are experiencing through you and with you.”
Good to know.