After he crossed, his wife heard directly from him. The rest of us had to wait.
One evening, he came through during a meeting of our group and we had the opportunity to ask, “What is it like on The Other Side?” Gene answered, “It is better than you thought. It is calm and peaceful.”
His wife asked what he was feeling at the moment and he answered, “I feel gratitude because the channeler is allowing this when she doesn't believe it, totally. She's on the verge of crying because it's an honor. I understand that.
“That is what I'm feeling at this moment. And of course, you, my dear darling.”
I chimed in, “What it is it like over there?”
Gene answered, “There is no darkness unless you wish to sleep and you say, ‘I wish it was dark so I could sleep.’
“It is as if you command the heavens and they move to deliver what you want. Only they're not delivering it, you are manufacturing it. You are creating it. You are in charge of it.
“Many struggle to communicate with their family who are on the Earth because the people cannot hear them. Sometimes, they scream into somebody's ear, like, ‘Patrick, Patrick, Patrick!’ until the person finally feels that their [deceased] person is with them again.
“It is interesting and it is profoundly beautiful. The experience that you've had feeling love is how it feels every moment of every day. Only, there is no night.
“It is lovely. Lovely. Lovely.
“You learn how not to have a body. It is much freer. It is like sloughing off a winter coat in the dead of summer and being able to fly.”
Someone asked, “Do you have any sort of form?”
The reply, “If I wish it. And I wish it because I am still recovering from this life. Sometimes I sit in my recliner.”
“You can imagine whatever you wish and you receive it.
“You can listen to others. You can attend classes if you wish.”
Gene was asked if he had connected with friends who had crossed over.
He responded, “My brother met me and we sat around in big, thick leather chairs like you would imagine we would use. We had a great conversation.
“The interesting thing is when you go to hug someone, it's like your souls meld together. As if two lights come together. We did that, my brother and I.
“That was nice.”
Gene added, “When you leave this Earth and you move into spirit, the longer you're in spirit, the farther away you are from this incarnation. Some reincarnate within a fortnight. It's very, very quick. Some linger here for many years. Some never reincarnate. Others have never incarnated on Earth. They are here, also.”
Gene went on to tell his wife how much he misses her and that he will always be with her.
It was very reassuring to hear from someone across the Veil and to learn that heaven is even better than we had imagined.