Welcome to 2019! This is the last set of predictions made by a psychic for this year. This is not quite a prediction, as much as it is good advice. In December 2018, Enza Piazza said:
“2019 is ‘matters of the heart.’ Surrendering. Cleaning energies. Forgiving from the past and looking towards the future. Nothing stays stagnant. Time waits for no man, therefore we need to forgive and move forward, not holding anything back. Whether we like it or not, we are down to the bone. The Universe says, ‘You may not like someone, you may not get along with someone, you still have to love them.’
“If you do that, if you are able to die to yourself, then everything else falls in perspective. The love and guidance, your Guides -- everything falls in perspective. The whole universe is there for your aid. Angels come and say, ‘Hey, what do you need?’ That is how it is, literally. It’s a science.
“People can say, ‘I don’t like her . . . ’ or ‘I don’t like this, but I have to send love whether I like it or not, because I die to myself.’ ‘Dying to yourself’ means, ‘I’m human. I make mistakes. I get up every day and, whether I like it or not, I have to love people.’ That’s what I am here for. I am here to shed the love. I am a messenger. I can’t give a clear reading if I am holding anything.
“For instance, I had friction with my daughter one day. I said, ‘Look, I am calling to tell you I love you. Whatever happened last night, we have to say “I love you.”’ She said, ‘Mom, it doesn’t work that way.’ I said, ‘It does.’ You have to forgive. A week later, she said she loved me and thanked me for calling. It switches everything around.
“There is nothing more powerful than love. People have forgotten the basics. It’s so basic.
“That’s it.
“It’s so rewarding to forgive. If you start doing that constantly, nothing bothers you. You move forward. Peace comes over you. Such peace. Who doesn’t want peace?
“I hear the angels come and sing. They are singing and I am in so much peace.”
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Enza!
Enza Piazza is a psychic Medium and a spiritual consultant. She recently opened a shop on First Avenue between Glenn and Ft. Lowell, 5034 N. First Avenue. You can contact her at [email protected] , or call 520-576-6870.