I was privy to an interesting discussion regarding this topic.
One psychic felt that prayer meant sending good will. She believed in the power of energy, of thought, and of the united energy of a group praying together. The power of that good will could be reinforced or decreased. Someone coming from a higher part of themself could increase the power. Someone being snippy could decrease the love energy. To her, prayer encompassed energy, thoughts, words, feelings, and emotions.
Another person countered that she didn’t pray for anything because whatever happens is happening according to Divine Will. Whatever happens is what is supposed to happen.
However, when pressed, she re-thought her answer. If it was HER child in a car accident, she would put a lot of energy into wanting that child to live.
The first psychic noted her life agreement with the Divine was, “My life gets better and better every day.” If she didn’t like what was going on, she “picked up the red phone.”
She asked, “Aren’t you a co-creator with the Divine? You don’t just ride it.”
We are co-creators with the Divine.
Prayer for ourself, communicating with the Divine, is one tool we can use to create lives we love. There are many other tools too.
We can also pray for other people. We don’t know what the Divine Will is for that person. Maybe they were supposed to get sick, then recover? Maybe our prayers for them gave them the boost of energy they needed to recover more quickly?
You can think of prayer as providing a boost of healing energy to assist people in whichever direction they are going. Of course, they have to be willing to accept that energy – free will in all things.
What do you think? Have you ever wondered how Divine Will interplays with our contracts for this life, with our free will, and/or with prayer? Such an interesting thing to ponder. I would love to hear your take on this. You can send an e-mail to me at gail@MyPsychicSearch.com or post a comment below the blog.