Crystals wearing Cloaks
Here’s a way to think about life and the things which happen to/for us.
A few weeks ago, I listened to someone channel a message which explained that each of us is like an energetic crystal which has come to Earth. Our crystal wears a cloak with many pockets. Each pocket contains something we are to experience in life: a joy, a sorrow, or a task. At the end of life, the pockets of our cloak are empty. We have accomplished all that we were here to achieve. Then, we return to the non-physical world.
Under it all, we are shimmering, glowing, wise crystals.
Want to hear more? This is the channeled message:
“Let’s pretend that you are a crystal. You have come down and anchored your point into the Earth. That is not all you have done. In addition to manifesting in three dimensional reality, you have taken a cloak. Each of you have taken a cloak which is imbued and embroidered, and the pockets are filled with everything that you have chosen.
“The family you have come into, the sorrows and the joys, and everything you have chosen to experience in this life, is like a cloak over the crystal that you are.
“As you wear this cloak, you fulfill that which you came to fulfill in every pocket. You have a child in one pocket. You have a sorrow in another pocket. You have a necklace of joys. Everything that you are wearing over that crystal is something you have chosen to experience by joining your family of origin -- their sorrows, their joys, their embracing of the understanding they gain as they go through life.
“All of that is in your cloak, but you are not your cloak. You are the wisdom that has chosen to wear the cloak to experience life. In that experience, in that fulfilling of the destiny in the pockets of your cloak, you are healing. You are teaching. You are doing all the things you need to do as a lightworker. The greatest job you fulfill is that which is the crystal clarity of who you are. That is what a lightworker does on the face of the Earth. All over the Earth.
“Some move and some don’t move. Some stay in one place. It doesn’t make a difference. You could all be flying in the air. It would have the same impact on the Earth. There is nothing that is ordained as a lightworker. A lightworker experiences absolute freedom and everything you imagine about the lightworker is true. Everything you imagine. So if you imagine someone like your Superman, who can see through walls, that is absolutely true.
“The growth in yourself is the understanding that you are indeed powerful beyond what your imagination can embrace. It is the acceptance of this, we will call it “divine powerful.” I would say “wisdom,” but wisdom is a destination. Beyond wisdom, words cease to exist for the feelings that you have. When you have a feeling that has no words, know that you are functioning in the lightworker energy -- the energy of your consciousness in its full expanded embrace of the entire firmament and the three dimensional reality and everything that you see out there in space.
“You are grand. You are powerful. As you accept that, it creates the third dimensional reality of the cloak that you have put on. It gives you a glimpse into how powerful you are and, as you stand on that pinnacle, saying, ‘Gee, I may be this powerful,’ you will see distances and eons and times and futures and pasts, all of which are available to you.
“We ask you now to ask for an adventure that takes you beyond that which you are comfortable doing because if you ask, so it will be, and I will assist you with it.”
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Thank you, Susan Sampson, for channeling this message. You can e-mail Susan at [email protected].
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