Spirit told us that things will not get back to normal until after the start of the new year, perhaps in February. Things will continue to change in the health field. Until then, people will have to be self-contained. Everyone will stay in their own space because known, and unknown, foes are spreading.
Spirit continued:
“There are two sub-currents. The top one is the coronavirus which is a worldwide virus. The world hasn’t yet built up an immunity. Come this fall, we will have the traditional flu. You will be fighting things on two levels -- the traditional flu, which feels very hard on the vessel, as well as the coronavirus which will not have gone down. They are going to meet at a level in which people will have both; neither of which are good. None which are, ‘Oh, no big deal.’ People will have to take care of their health, eat right, and focus on their vessel, to come out the other side.
“Your DNA is changing. Your creations are changing. Your world is changing. Viruses are being put together which are different than what you are used to. Bodies have not been exposed to them. Since there is travel worldwide, the virus which might have wiped out a tribe a long time ago, is now worldwide. What has changed is travel availability, as well as news media all over the world. Everyone knows what is transpiring.
“The virus has hit so many places that it is affecting the global economy. The economy will shift forever. It will not go back to what it was. More people will work from home. More people will learn through computers, through what we will call ‘The Zoom Effect.’
“A lot of people are going to fall through the cracks. Work is not sustainable to a single parent who has children and no one taking care of them. Learning is not sustainable to students who have questions, who need to be able to ask a friend, who need to share with each other, when others are not available.
“Lots of people will fall through the cracks. It is a making/breaking of Mother Earth. It is a continuum for generations to come.
“The virus is already tremendous and will continue to be tremendous. It will not wipe out whole cultures. It will not wipe out whole countries. It will not work that way. But there are waves and sub-currents coming up underneath which are going to meet.
“Yes, there will be more deaths. Yes.”
After the messages, the woman who channeled told me that what she had seen. The image was similar to ocean waves with an undercurrent. The coronavirus was the like the wave and the flu was like the undercurrent. It was difficult to fight both at the same time.
I’m sorry not to have brighter news for you, but these are the messages which came through.
Keep washing those hands.
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