Although I always knew things about people and places, psychic ability was a tricky thing. Good, yet unreliable. Hints and pieces, but never the whole story. One time, I walked into a store and I knew where the candy jars could be found. Never been there before.
One time, I landed in a foreign country and knew where all the old buildings were located. Not the new ones; the buildings which had been constructed in the 18th century. That odd feeling of deja vu, “I know this place,” surrounded me.
I often found myself at parties, deep in the evening mist, meeting just the right people. The people who could compel my goals and projects forward. I had an uncanny ability to bump into the movers and shakers I needed to meet. Despite this, my life never quite moved or shook. It proceeded forward, looking like a normal life, but with this undercurrent of mystery. As if I was walking along a path, then stopping to dip my toe into the stream of knowledge. Oops. Back on the path.
One summer, I was vacationing with my son when he fell off a small boat. No big tragedy, but a feeling of knowing it was meant to be. I was ready to jump in and pull him out, as if the whole thing had been described to me in advance.
I never knew quite what to do with my abilities and insights. I married, I had children, I lived, laughed, and loved, but I always knew something was playing in the background. As if I was a puppet, an actor in a play, a person in the role of a lifetime. Many times I stopped to admire the simplicity of my life.
Oh, I knew things. I knew beforehand when someone would die. Once or twice, I saw them move into the Light. The soul rising from the body, a glowing head, a purple light body, both of us feeling the joy of the soul returning to the Light. I’m not exactly sure where it went, but it was a joyous place. A joyous place.
I learned to listen to my life’s clues and I learned not to say too much. Not everyone understood the broader perspective. Some people recoiled when I mentioned that death was just a transition to another part of life, or when I told them that the cherries would fall off the trees in the wrong season. How did I know? I don’t know.
Time passed. Years passed. Things happened. Like everyone, I rode a wave of highs and lows, but most of the time it was “steady as she goes.”
As a teen, I went to a site with old farm equipment. I was oddly drawn to the tractors and plows. I wasn’t a farm boy, but I was fascinated with the moving parts and had an urge to oil them, or turn them, or do something pre-programmed into my brain. The equipment seemed familiar to me.
Where is this story going? Nowhere, probably. Just the recollections of an aging guy whose life swung between physical reality and a reality I could not quite touch. A world of energetic connections and knowledge. I never knew enough to make the otherworldly world work for me, but I knew it was there. I could taste it. I could feel it. And if I tried hard enough, I could receive the answers to many of my questions. “Ask and you shall receive.” I did, and I did.
Now as my time is closing, I look back on my life with great appreciation for all I have experienced and great anticipation of all yet to come. I bid life a fond farewell. I’m off on another adventure. I’m off to see the world I have seen in my dreams. Adieu.
I don’t know exactly what this is, but it sure feels good to me.
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